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Success Strategies PTC Income Without Capital

The following are the terms - terms that are important in general-our site PTC sites referrals for managing your rental: Rental Balance = Balance is you to manage your referral is to rent referrals, referrals and replace Upgrade your membership, the average price per -referral $ 0.25 depending on the PTC site that followed.
click image to sign up for PTC sites








     Recycle = managing the referrals that we have referral, the referral is used to replace the lazy work, thereby reducing our revenues, prices are set at each of the different PTC sites, usually around $ 0.07- $ 0.08 per referral.
     Renew referral = referral to extend the lease for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 180 days, the price for 1 referral referral extension is 30h = $ 0.25,90h = $ 0.60, its price depends PTC followed.
     Mainbalance = is your savings balance of results click on your ads, or the balance of the money in Mainbalance can you pull / cashout to your online bank account and can also be used for the rental referral.
     Rented = is the menu where you see the performance of referrals that have been hired
     Direct referral = referral directly links you get from your downline.
     AVG = the average number of clicks referrals for 10 days

Strategy Without Capital

After registering counterparts in ProBux, if you have not registered please register here first
The next step is

     click all the ads that show up every day, every hour reset ads 10 am EDT. and occasional extra ads will appear.
     do every day until the Main Balance (MB) reached $ 0.60 and then move to Rental Balance for the first rent referrals.
     activate AutoPay rented referrals page and watch the performance of referral clicks on average well below 2 and recycle (recycling) 2 to 3 days of referrals does not click at all.
     Do not dilute your income for this moment, and use the resources available in the main balance to buy referrals again when it reached $ 0.60. continue doing this until you reach 200 referrals referrals. referral purchases can only be done once every 7 days.
     after you reach 200 referrals, stop buying referrals at this time, at this point you just set the tasks and watch the performance of the referral, the referral Where performance is below the average of its clicks, recycle and replace with the new referral.
     Do this until you reach $ 70 MB then upgrade your membership to Golden.
     Once you Upgrade your membership into Golden continue renting referrals and monitor the performance you have rent. continue to do so you have / rent 800 - 1000 referrals.
     And you can begin to melt your income at this point and still to watch the performance of your referral.

The second is: an Investment Strategy

     click all the ads that show up each day.
     Invest $ 20 to hire as many as 100 referrals referrals.
     Keep an eye on the performance of referrals and do until you are able to hire 100 referrals again, after you reach 200 referrals referrals, I do not think it will wait until longer to be able to Upgrade your membership into Golden.
     After becoming Golden continue renting referrals until 1000, keep an eye and make sure you have every referral clicks on average percentage is always 1 up to benefit.
     Once you reach 100 clicks ads terkredit, Upgrade your membership into Ultimate at $ 780.
     Buy / Rent Referral of 300 referrals, do this until your referral 4,000 referrals.
     Be sure to monitor the performance of your referrals and let you stay active autopay. and if you prefer to disable AutoPay facility Extend your referral age to 90 days to get a discount of 20% to recycle it.
     Thaw your income every week in bertahap.Dan in less than 3 months of your investment capital is back.
     after that you will truly benefit from your investment.
     Ultimate membership status and the 4,000 referrals, you can earn about $ 500 per month.

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